Wild Love (Rose Hill #1) by Elsie Silver

If you are a romance reader and you haven’t read Elsie Silver - shame on you.

She has got the country vibe down pat. Which is even more impressive because her books aren’t set in the US. They are set in Canada which I need to remind myself of every time I read one - because I want them to be Westerns but they are not.

This is another sweet little hard candy for the pile, and while this one doesn’t lean as hard in the cowboy ranch aesthetic as the last series it still has the small town charm. Also - a billionaire. But only a billionaire in the sense that he doesn’t worry about money. This isn’t exactly a Christian Grey vibe. But in the steamy scenes it’s not NOT a Christian Grey vibe if you get my meaning.

Final Thought: A solid representation from the Canadians


Funny Story by Emily Henry


Half a Soul (Regency Faerie Tales #1) by Olivia Atwater